The ping pong conference table from work to play.

Ping Pong White Board Conference Table for Your Breakroom

Call 619-546-0872

Introducing the ultimate table for the modern office: the Ping Pong Conference Table! Yes, you heard that right – it’s a table that doubles as a ping pong court, perfect for that after-work team bonding session or to break up a long work day at lunch. It is easy to fold up also when not in use- view video. 
But it’s not just about having fun – this table can actually improve employee productivity. Studies have shown that adding some fun and games to the workplace can reduce stress levels and increase creativity and motivation.
With the Ping Pong Conference Table, your employees can take a quick break to recharge and come back to work refreshed and focused. And, during important meetings, simply remove the net and paddles and the table becomes a sleek and stylish conference table. This innovative table is also great for smaller offices, where space is at a premium. It’s a multi-functional piece of furniture that adds some much-needed fun to the workday. 

Work together play together

So what are you waiting for? Invest in the Ping Pong Conference Table and give your employees a work environment that promotes productivity, creativity, and most importantly – fun! We ship all over the U.S.- call for a free consultation at 619-546-0872. 

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Benefits of the Ping Pong White Board Conference Table

A ping pong conference table is more than just a recreational equipment in an office space. It can serve as a source of motivation and stress relief for employees, ultimately resulting in increased productivity. Here are the benefits of having a ping pong conference table in a company:
1. Encourages Collaboration: A ping pong conference table can bring together people from different departments who might not otherwise interact. Employees can use the table to collaborate on projects, discuss ideas, and even develop new business concepts. The whiteboard is ideal to show concepts and jot down notes.
2. Builds Team Spirit: Playing ping pong creates an atmosphere of friendly competition that promotes teamwork, problem-solving, and camaraderie. By engaging in healthy competition, employees develop stronger relationships, better communication, and mutual respect.
3. Improves Mental Health: Work-related stress is one of the leading causes of mental health problems among employees. Taking a few minutes to play ping pong during a break can help reduce stress, boost morale, and increase job satisfaction.
4. Promotes Physical Fitness: Sitting at a desk all day can take a toll on one’s physical health. A ping pong conference table provides an opportunity for employees to stretch their legs, exercise, and improve their hand-eye coordination. Exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal. For more information

5. Enhances Creativity: Research has shown that physical activity stimulates creativity. That is right, exercise makes us more creative.  By providing a ping pong conference table, companies can encourage their employees to take a break from their desk work, refresh their minds, and come up with innovative ideas.

A study of Journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience did a study that people who exercise do better on tests than those who don’t.

In summary, having a ping pong conference table is not just for fun, it also brings tangible benefits to a company. By fostering collaboration, team spirit, mental and physical health, and creativity, it can boost morale, reduce stress, and ultimately increase productivity. So why not incorporate a ping pong table into your company’s office space today?